Therapy for Adults

Our years of experience and calming atmosphere make it the ideal place for an adult to address issues related to sensory Integration that they may have spent years living with.

Who do we serve?

Due to demand, we realized the need to also address Sensory needs in the adult population. Our years of experience and calming atmosphere make it the ideal place for an adult to address issues related to sensory Integration that they may have spent years living with. Adults may complain of auditory hypersensitivities that are making their daily life more difficult or tactile sensitivities that are affecting their daily functioning and even their personal relationships.  

We are also trained in protocols from MNRI/Dr. Mosgutova to address trauma through different protocols related to releasing trauma points held in the body, often working alongside the social worker or psychologist treating the adult for a full mind-body approach in treating trauma.

When seeing adults we make sure to provide them with the privacy that they need, and we set aside quieter times for adults so that their sessions are not happening at the same time as the children.

Support for the family as a whole

In addition to these adult programs, our whole-family approach to therapy means we include the caregivers and child in the experience of development and growth. We work alongside parents to provide home programs that support the therapeutic experience and strengthen newly learned skills. This approach also provides a bonding experience between the parent and child and enhances their growth from the bottom up. Our approach helps in building a creative, confident environment where the child and family can thrive.

Call IncredAbilities today to find out more about our approach or to discuss an evaluation.